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Friday 16 December 2016

JAMB 2017 PHYSICS syllabus

The aim of the 2017/2018 Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME) syllabus in Physics is to prepare the candidates for the Board's examination. It is designed to test their achievement of the course objectives, which are to:

(1) sustain their interest in physics;
(2) develop attitude relevant to physics that encourage accuracy, precision and objectivity;
(3) interpret physical phenomena, laws, definitions, concepts and other theories
(4) demonstrate the ability to solve correctly physics problems using relevant theories and concepts.



(a) Length, area and volume: Metre rule, Venier calipers Micrometer
Screw-guage, measuring cylinder
(b) Mass
(i) unit of mass
(ii) use of simple beam balance
(iii) concept of beam balance
(c) Time
(i) unit of time
(ii) time-measuring devices
(d) Fundamental physical quantities
(e) Derived physical quantities and their units
(i) Combinations of fundamental quantities and determination of their units
(f) Dimensions
(i) definition of dimensions
(ii) simple examples
(g) Limitations of experimental measurements
(i) accuracy of measuring instruments
(ii) simple estimation of errors.
(iii) significant figures.
(iv) standard form.
(h) Measurement, position, distance and displacement
(i) concept of displacement
(ii) distinction between distance and displacement
(iii) concept of position and coordinates
(iv) frame of reference
Candidates should be able to:
i. identify the units of length, area and volume;
ii. use different measuring instruments;
iii. determine the lengths, surface areas and volume of regular and irregular bodies;
iv. identify the unit of mass;
v. use simple beam balance, e.g Buchart's balance and chemical balance;
vi. identify the unit of time;
vii. use different time-measuring
viii. relate the fundamental physical quantities to their units;
ix. deduce the units of derived physical quantities;
x. determine the dimensions of physical quantities;
xi. use the dimensions to determine the units of physical quantities;
xii. test the homogeneity of an equation;
xiii. determine the accuracy of measuring instruments;
xiv. estimate simple errors;
xv. express measurements in standard form.

Candidates should be able to:
i. use strings, meter ruler and engineering calipers, vernier calipers and micrometer, screw guage
ii. note the degree of accuracy
iii. identify distance travel in a specified direction
iv. use compass and protractor to locate points/directions
v. use Cartesians systems to locate positions in x-y plane
vi. plot graph and draw inference from the graph.

2. Scalars and Vectors

(i) definition of scalar and vector quantities
(ii) examples of scalar and vector quantities
(iii) relative velocity
(iv) resolution of vectors into two perpendicular directions including graphical methods of solution.
Candidates should be able to:
i. distinguish between scalar and vector quantities;
ii. give examples of scalar and vector quantities;
iii. determine the resultant of two or more vectors;
iv. determine relative velocity;
v. resolve vectors into two perpendicular components;
vi. use graphical methods to solve vector problems;

3. Motion

(a) Types of motion:
translational, oscillatory, rotational, spin and random
(b) Relative motion
(c) causes of motion
(d) Types of force
(i) contact
(ii) force field
(e) linear motion
(i) speed, velocity and acceleration
(ii) equations of uniformly accelerated motion
(iii) motion under gravity
(iv) distance-time graph and velocity time graph
(v) instantaneous velocity and acceleration.
(f) Projectiles:
(i) calculation of range, maximum height and time of flight from the ground and a height
(ii) applications of projectile motion
(g) Newton's laws of motion:
(i) inertia, mass and force
(ii) relationship between mass and acceleration
(iii) impulse and momentum
(iv) force - time graph
(v) conservation of linear momentum (Coefficient of restitution not necessary)
(h) Motion in a circle:
(i) angular velocity and angular acceleration
(ii) centripetal and centrifugal forces.
(iii) applications
(i) Simple Harmonic Motion (S.H.M):
(i) definition and explanation of simple harmonic motion
(ii) examples of systems that execute
(iii) period, frequency and amplitude of
(iv) velocity and acceleration of S.H.M
(v) simple treatment of energy change in S.H.M
(vi) force vibration and resonance (simple treatment)
(iii) conservative and non-conservative fields
(iv) acceleration due to gravity
(v) variation of g on the earth's surface
(iv) distinction between mass and weight
(v) escape velocity
(vi) parking orbit and weightlessness
Candidates should be able to :
i. identify different types of motion ;
ii. solve numerical problem on collinear motion;
iii. identify force as cause of motion;
iv. identify push and pull as form of force
v. identify electric and magnetic attractions, gravitational pull as forms of field forces;
vi. differentiate between speed, velocity and acceleration;
vii.deduce equations of uniformly accelerated motion;
viii. solve problems of motion under gravity;
ix. interpret distance-time graph and velocity-time graph;
x. compute instantaneous velocity and acceleration
xi. establish expressions for the range, maximum height and time of flight of projectiles;
xii. solve problems involving projectile motion;
xiii. solve numerical problems involving impulse and momentum;
xiv. interpretation of area under force - time graph
xv. interpret Newton's laws of motion;
xvi. compare inertia, mass and force;
xvii. deduce the relationship between mass and acceleration;
xviii. interpret the law of conservation of linear momentum and application
xix. establish expression for angular velocity, angular acceleration and centripetal force;
xx. solve numerical problems involving motion in a circle;
xxi. establish the relationship between period and frequency;
xxii. analyse the energy changes occurring during S.H.M
xxiii. identify different types of forced vibration
xxiv. enumerate applications of resonance.

Candidates should be able to:
i. identify the expression for gravitational force between two bodies;
ii. apply Newton's law of universal gravitation;
iii. give examples of conservative and non-
conservative fields;
iv. deduce the expression for gravitational field potentials;
v. identify the causes of variation of g on the earth's surface;
vi. differentiate between mass and weight;
vii. determine escape velocity

5. Equilibrium of Forces

(a) equilibrium of particles:
(i) equilibrium of coplanar forces
(ii) triangles and polygon of forces
(iii) Lami's theorem
(b) principles of moments
(i) moment of a force
(ii) simple treatment and moment of a couple (torgue)
(iii) applications
(c) conditions for equilibrium of rigid bodies under the action of parallel and non-parallel forces
(i) resolution and composition of forces in two perpendicular directions,
(ii) resultant and equilibrant
(d) centre of gravity and stability
(i) stable, unstable and neutral equilibra
Candidates should be able to:
i. apply the conditions for the equilibrium of
coplanar forces to solve problems;
ii. use triangle and polygon laws of forces to
solve equilibrium problems;
iii. use Lami's theorem to solve problems;
iv. analyse the principle of moment of a
v. determine moment of a force and couple;
vi. describe some applications of moment of a force and couple;
vii. apply the conditions for the equilibrium
of rigid bodies to solve problems;
viii. resolve forces into two perpendicular
ix. determine the resultant and equilibrant
of forces;
x. differentiate between stable, unstable and neutral equilibra.

6. (a) Work, Energy and Power

(i) definition of work, energy and power
(ii) forms of energy
(vii) conservation of energy
(iv) qualitative treatment between different
forms of energy
(viii) interpretation of area under the force-distance curve
(b) Energy and society
(i) sources of energy
(ii) renewable and non-renewable energy eg
coal, crude oil etc
(iii) uses of energy
(iv) energy and development
(v) energy diversification
(vi) environmental impact of energy eg global warming, green house effect and spillage
(vii) energy crises
(viii)conversion of energy
(ix) devices used in energy production.
(c) Dams and energy production
(i) location of dams
(ii) energy production
(d) nuclear energy
(e) solar energy
(i) solar collector
(ii) solar panel for energy supply.
Candidates should be able to:
i. differentiate between work, energy and power;
ii. compare different forms of energy, giving examples;
iii. apply the principle of conservation of energy;
iv. examine the transformation between different
forms of energy;
v. interpret the area under the force -distance curve.
vi. solve numerical problems in work, energy and power.
Candidates should be able to:
i. itemize the sources of energy
ii. distinguish between renewable and non-
renewable energy, examples should be
iii. identify methods of energy transition
iv. explain the importance of energy in the development of the society
v. analyze the effect of energy use to the environment
vi. identify the impact of energy on the environment
vii. identify energy sources that are friendly or hazardous to the environment
viii. identify energy uses in their immediate environment
ix. suggests ways of safe energy use
x. state different forms of energy conversion.

7. Friction

(i) static and dynamic friction
(ii) coefficient of limiting friction and its determination.
(iii) advantages and disadvantages of friction
(iv) reduction of friction
(v) qualitative treatment of viscosity and
terminal velocity.
(vi) Stoke's law.
Candidates should be able to:
i. differentiate between static and dynamic friction
ii.determine the coefficient of limiting friction; the advantages and disadvantages of
iv. suggest ways by which friction can be reduced;
v. analyse factors that affect viscosity and terminal velocity;
vi. apply Stoke's law.


(i) unsaturated and saturated vapours
(ii) relationship between saturated vapour pressure (S.V.P) and boiling
(iii) determination of S.V.P by barometer tube method
(iv) formation of dew, mist, fog, and rain
(v) study of dew point, humidity and relative humidity
(vi) hygrometry; estimation of the humidity of the atmosphere using wet and dry bulb hygrometers.
Candidates should be able to:
i. distinguish between saturated and unsaturated
ii. relate saturated vapour pressure to boiling point;
iii. determine S.V.P by barometer tube method
iv. differentiate between dew point, humidity and
relative humidity;
vi. estimate the humidity of the atmosphere using wet and dry bulb hygrometers.
vii. solve numerical problems



Ike E.E (2014) Essential Principles of Physics, Jos ENIC publishers

Ike E.E (2014) Numerical Problems and Solutions in Physics, Jos ENIC publishers

Nelson M. (1977) Fundamentals of Physics, Great Britain, Hart Davis Education

Nelson M. and Parker � (1989) Advance Level Physics, (Sixth Edition) Heinemann

Okeke P.N and Anyakoha M.W. (2000) Senior Secondary School Physics, Lagos, Pacific Printers

Olumuyionwa A. and Ogunkoya O. O (1992) Comprehensive Certificate Physics, Ibadan: University Press Plc.

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